Mercer Community Band
"Best Free Entertainment on a Friday Night"
Mercer, Pennsylvania
"Red, White & Blue"
July 3, 2015
NOTE: The slide show will start and run automatically. To freeze a photo, move your arrow into the picture. All photos in the slide show are in the thumbnails below the slide show. Click on any photo to view it in the slide show window.
Photos by Inger Habbyshaw Oakes
Powered by Cincopa Video Hosting for Business solution.2015 MCB Red, White & Blue Concert Slide Show 2015 Mercer Community Band - RED, WHITE & BLUE CONCERT originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 512 height 350 flash 9 cameramake Canon height 4272 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 11:16:27 AM width 2848 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 511 height 352 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 9 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:00:32 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:01:45 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 9 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:03:07 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:15:41 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:19:41 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:30:33 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:39:07 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:00:41 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 9 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:01:19 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:15:14 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:19:14 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:38:32 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:39:30 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:42:03 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:42:20 AM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:53:56 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:54:03 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 11:57:24 AM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:02:51 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:13:32 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:20:58 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:21:02 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:23:12 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:28:18 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 12:29:11 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 12:30:21 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:18:00 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:34:39 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:34:55 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:35:26 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:35:51 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:37:12 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:37:37 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 513 height 350 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 12:41:55 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:42:11 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:44:36 PM cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon orientation 1 height 768 width 1152 originaldate 7/3/2015 12:46:41 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cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:05:04 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:05:58 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:06:00 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:06:33 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:07:44 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:08:06 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:08:20 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:09:57 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:10:21 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 flash 16 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 1:11:10 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:13:41 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:13:54 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:14:11 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:16:34 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:17:13 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 flash 16 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 1:18:44 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:20:03 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:39 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:45 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:47 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:49 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:55 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:21:59 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:25:42 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:28:03 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 512 height 345 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:28:52 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 flash 16 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 1:29:11 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 flash 16 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 camerasoftware Microsoft Windows Ph originaldate 7/3/2015 1:29:24 PM width 512 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:29:35 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:30:34 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:34:09 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:40:01 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:41:24 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:41:39 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:42:36 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:47:08 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:47:19 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:51:41 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:51:49 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:52:20 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:53:24 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 cameramake Canon height 768 orientation 1 flash 16 originaldate 7/3/2015 1:53:51 PM width 1152 cameramodel Canon EOS REBEL T3 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 526 height 364 originaldate 1/1/0001 6:00:00 AM width 524 height 358
Music - Mercer Community Band - "Stars and Stripes Forever"