Mercer Community Band
"Best Free Entertainment on a Friday Night"
Mercer, Pennsylvania

"A Patriotic Extravaganza"
July 3, 2009
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This concert was NOT recorded by Armstrong Cable.
Mixed Greens - Warm-up EntertainmentThe group played early traditional Irish, Scottish and American vintage tunes.Ice Cream Social by the Mercer High School Band Boosters.Dave Portman, Master of CeremoniesThe National Anthem, sung by Jessica Taylor and the audience.The Mercer Community BandThe audience enjoyed "Star Spangled Salute"Heather Johnson, French Horn SoloistMs. Johnson presented "Concerto (Opus 8)"A salute to the Armed ForcesAssistant Director, Ken Jewell, conducted "Armed Forces Salute"Dr. Hendley D. Hoge and the band take a well deserved bow.Vocal Soloist, Jonny Priano, baritoneMr. Priano offered "Before the Parade Passes By"Mr. Priano also sang the seldom hear lyrics to "Semper Fidelis"Mr. Priano led the audience in the singing of "God Bless America"The Mercer Community Band finshed the evening with "Stars and Stripes Forever"
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